Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Descriptive statistics according to www.businessdictionary.com , is mathematical quantities method that summarize and interpret some of the properties of a set of data but do not infer the properties of the population from which the sample was drawn   (WebFinance, Inc). Trochim (2006) referred to, descriptive statistics we are describing what is or what the date show, and it is use to present quantitative descriptions in a manageable form (Trochim, 2006). For the other hand, inferential statistic is mathematical methods that employ probability theory for deducing the properties of a population from the analysis of the properties of a data sample drawn from it. (WebFinance, Inc) .It is concerned also with the precision and reliability of the inferences it helps to draw. Trochim (2006) explains that with the inferential statistic we could obtain conclusions that extend beyond the immediate data alone. (Trochim, 2006).
Sample is a smaller, manageable version of a large group; a subset containing the characteristics of a large population (Investopedia ULC), and the population are the entire pool from which a statistical sample is drawn.
Examples: Population= 70 years old men with cardiovascular disease in Tampa.
                  Sample= 70 years old men with cardiovascular disease seen in the office
                  of Cardiovascular Center of Tampa.
Statistic is a process that analyst, mathematician or statistician use to characterize a data set (Investopedia ULC) is something that describes a sample, and is used as an estimator for a population parameter; it is the end result of a calculation. Parameter in businessdictionary.com is describes like a definable, measurable, and constant or variable characteristic, dimension, property, or value, selected from a set of data, because it is considered essential to understanding a situation, or solving a problem. (WebFinance, Inc). Statistic describes a sample, whereas a parameter describes an entire population.
 Discrete data is an individually recognizable and countable, distinct and separate from the similar items, finite and non-continuous. (WebFinance, Inc), and Continuous data is a set of observations usually associated with physical measurement that can take on any mathematical value within specified parameters. It can take any value on a range.
Investopedia ULC. (n.d.). investopedia.com. Retrieved June 18, 2012, from http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sample.asp#axzz1y9dYCGdG
Trochim, W. M. (2006). Knowledge base research methods. Retrieved june 18, 2012, from 
WebFinance, Inc. (n.d.). Businessdictionary.com. Retrieved June 18, 2012, from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/descriptive-

Friday, June 15, 2012

BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Zoo Primates on a Regular Day

by Laisy Almanza, March 25, 2012
    Zoo Primates on a Regular Day
     This paper focuses on the conclusions made during one day of observation of primates at Lowry Park Zoo. Keeping in mind that they aren’t in their natural habitat I observed a Golden Lion Tamarin, a Mandrill, a Siamang Gibbon, and a Ring-Tailed Lemur. I was able to observe the hierarchy involved with the Mandrills by observing the male in the group which was very interesting. I was also able to see the vibrant orange color of the Golden Lion Tamarins and how they vertically cling on tree branches as a mode of locomotion. The Ring-Tailed Lemur really interested me because it was so interested in all the people viewing it. It kept inspecting the viewers as if to wonder why they were there even though they should be used to the attention by now. The Siamang Gibbon amazed me with its amazing brachiating and also how playful the young were which made them all amazing to observe even though I focused on one individual from each group of primates.
    The purpose of my study was to simply observe the actions of each group of primates during a period of time. This also allowed me to see what made each of them a primate and I could also compare their behaviors in certain situations to ours which in some cases were similar. It was extremely interesting to see this because humans always place themselves in a higher class then the rest of the world but they don’t realize that a lot of our actions are a lot like other primates’ actions. Although these primates are not in their natural habitats, observing them at the zoo gave me a close view of their usual behaviors even if they are somewhat different in a fake habitat. My main question during this research was: What makes humans, us, so different from other primates, them? With further observation I was able to determine that we aren’t much different from “them” in many ways.
Materials and Methods
    I took a quantitative approach for this research because I wanted to view the behaviors of each primate in a systematic way. This allowed me to focus on the typical behaviors and once done I could go back to my data and “replay” their behaviors. I was able to do this by using ethograms for each primate with one minute intervals in between each behavior.
   The first primate that I observed was the Golden Lion Tamarin which was mostly just sitting and inspecting the viewers except for a couple of times where he would get up and walk around for a couple seconds. The second primate that I observed was the Mandrill which was really interesting because by simply observing the male I could tell there was hierarchy in the group of Mandrills. When I began to observe the male he was standing but then he began to walk and inspect for a couple second. Then it began to stare at the people and it flashed its eyes a couple times and swayed from left to right for a brief moment which is a form of display to mark their territory but since no one threatened him the display did not continue for more than a couple seconds. Also after he was done displaying he remained prone for the rest of my observations and I noticed that none of the rest of the mandrills got near him as if they were scared. The third primate I observed was the Siamang Gibbon which was really fun because they were all extremely playful. I observed an adult male gibbon and even though he was an adult I still saw some playful behavior in addition to brachiating. The brachiating was amazing because I could see how flexible their shoulder joints are. I also saw some scratching and auto-grooming. Another amazing thing I was able to see was the vocalizing but only for about 20 seconds. 

Something even more interesting than this was that I saw him run on his two legs for a brief moment. The last primate I observed was the Ring-Tailed Lemur. The lemur did a lot of inspecting while he was sitting and occasionally scratching. During my observations I was only able to see him leap once but it was extraordinary because it was a pretty high leap.
After compiling all of my data I was able to come to the conclusion that Golden Lion Tamarins are extremely calm creatures or at least they are in the habitat that was created for them. The fact that they are not in their natural habitat should always be taken into consideration of course. The weather could have also played a big part in their calmness because, similarly to us, they become tired when the sunlight is shining on them. I also came to the conclusion that Mandrills have a culture similar to us where hierarchy is involved. The alpha male of the group is the one that has to show or display their greatness while everyone, in a sense, worships him. This of course is an advantage when it comes to having the best treatment and resources but it’s a disadvantage when it comes down to conflict because being the alpha male they have to protect the rest of the group. In our society the male is also viewed as the” protector” of the family and therefore have to be stronger and better than the other males. The Siamangs turned out to be very active and playful creatures. They brachiated several times during my observations which shows how strong their shoulder joints are. I also realized that, when needed, siamangs will use bipedalism although not well because of the placement of their bones and also their pelvic bones (Jurmain, Kilgore, Trevathan, & Ciochon, 2011). Because of this they walked in an awkward manner but the point is that they were able to position their body to do so. Lastly the Ring-Tailed Lemur really amazed me because he was extremely observant. Although I am aware that their eyes do not have as much movement in their eye sockets and therefore have to move their heads to view different objects, I till noticed a great interest from them (Zoo, 2008). This shows that they are extremely aware of their environment and are interested in what might be happening around them. This of course is also shown in human behavior because we always try to have an idea of what is occurring in our surroundings. All in all, I was able to see how other primates behave like humans and also what makes us truly humans.

Works Cited

France, D. L. (2011). Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Jurmain, R., Kilgore, L., Trevathan, W., & Ciochon, R. L. (2011). Introduction to Physical Anthropology. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
National Geographic. (2012). National Geographic. Retrieved from National Geographic: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/golden-lion-tamarin/
Zoo, H. (2008). Honolulu Zoo. Retrieved from Honolulu Zoo: http://www.honoluluzoo.org/ringtailed_lemur.htm


          Organization Behavior is defined as the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. (Clar, 1998).
      In business science is the study of the way people interact within group ( (Investopedia ULC, 2011). Normally it is applied in an attempt to create more efficient business organizations. The central idea of the study of OB is that a scientific approach can be applied to the management of workers. These theories are used for human resource purpose to maximize the output from individual group of members.
      On the other hand Nielsen, pointed:
      Organizational Development is the attempt to influence the members of an organization           to expand their candidness with each other about their views of the organization and their experience in it, and to take greater responsibility for their own actions as organization members. The assumption behind OD is that when people pursue both of these objectives simultaneously, they are likely to discover new ways of working together that they experience as more effective for achieving their own and their shared goals, and that when this does not happen, such activity helps them to understand why and to make meaningful choices about what to do in light of this understanding. (1984).
             Based on the foregoing, and in revised the texts mentioned we can see the strongly relationship between both OD and OB, where  the   principal mission to improve the organization as a whole and to increase the capacity of the human being  to be productive, proactive and serve as an active component of the positive results of the organization. Work like teams is vital to the functioning of modern organizations. Members of teams bring different strings to the group such as leader, investigator, motivator, finisher, coordinator, thinker, negotiator or politician.   These roles are used at different stages of production when such role play becomes essential in the groups work. Teams take over from hierarchical systems where individuals are assumed to know everything depending on their level in the authority ladder. This system denies the organization the cumulative advantage of skills and strengths in different individuals.
      As shown us Wamwangi (2003) the Organizational Development is a change management strategy which has been in operation for the last forty years. It is based on the understanding of behavioral sciences and is concerned with how people and organizations function and how they can be made to function better through effective use of human and social process.
       Human behavior in organizations is unpredictable because it originates in needs and value systems deeply rooted in people. (Davis, 1999).There is no simple formulas and practices for working with people, nor is there an ideal solution to the problems of the organization. All we can do is to increase understanding and capacities to raise the quality of human relations at work. The goals are difficult to achieve, but are of great value. If you are willing to think of people as human beings can work effectively with them.
              In the today’s economic situation, the turbulence facing the modern man and organization is at a level that may not have been experienced before in human history, the modern change has changed in speed, depth and complexity bringing with it a new phenomenon in technological, social, political and economic pace adaptation to which becomes a fundamental condition of survival for individuals and organizations, that is why a change in approach and understanding of the behavior of individual, group or organization is vital to business development in these current conditions, where the participation of each other can help achieve the objectives of the company.

Clar, D. (1998, march 19). Retrieved from Big Dog and Little Dog's Bowl of biscuits. Retrieved from http://www.nwlink.com/donclark/leader/leadod.html
Davis, K. &. (1999). Comportamiento Humano en el trabajo: comportamiento organizacional. Mexico city, Mx: McGraw-Hill companies.
Investopedia ULC. (2011, november 14). investopedia.com. Retrieved from http:investopedia.com/terms/o/organizational-behavior.asp#axzz1dh9DFu1j
Neilsen, E. (1984). Becoming an OD Practitioner. Englewood Cliffs, CA: Prentice Hall.
Wamwangi, K. (2003, October 21). info.worldbank.org. Retrieved from http://info.worldbank.org/etools/docs/library/114925/eum/docs/eum/tanzania/MODULEIIORGANIZATIONALDEVELOPMENTKINUTHIA.pdf


           La administración por objetivos es considerada un sistema para que los gerentes y subordinados establezcan mancomunadamente objetivos de desempeño, revisen periódicamente el avance hacia los objetivos y asignen las recompensas con base en dicho avance. (Trujillo Ruiz, 2004).
      En su artículo Trujillo (2004) también nos comenta que la administración por objetivos hace que los objetivos sean operativos mediante un proceso que los lleva a bajar en forma de cascada por toda la organización.
      Este sistema de administración de empresas se define como un sistema dinámico que integra la necesidad de la empresa de alcanzar sus objetivos de lucro y crecimiento, con la necesidad del gerente de contribuir a su propio desarrollo, considerándose un estilo exigente y equilibrado de gerencia empresarial. (Ramon Fernandez, 2011).
      Coinciden, tanto Trujillo (2004) como Ramón Fernández (2011), en categorizarla como un proceso en los cuales los superiores y subordinados identifican objetivos comunes, definen las áreas de responsabilidad de cada uno en términos de resultados y emplean esos objetivos como guías para la operación de la empresa.
      Ramón Fernández (2011) puntualiza que surgió como método de evaluación y control sobre el desempeño de áreas y organizaciones en crecimiento rápido.
      La administración por objetivos se caracteriza (Jasso Arias, 2010) como se había mencionado antes por el establecimiento conjunto de objetivos entre el ejecutivo y su superior, el establecimiento de estos objetivos para cada departamento o posición, donde existe una interrelación entre los objetivos departamentales, se elaboran los planes tácticos y planes operacionales con énfasis en la medición y el control, hay continua evaluación, revisión y reciclaje de estos planes, tiene que haber una activa participación de la dirección y un apoyo intensivo del staff durante las primeras etapas.
      Este sistema administrativo le permite al subordinado conocer exactamente que es lo que se espera de el, permitiéndole mayor libertad de acción, quedando sus logros registrados de una manera objetiva (Reyes Ponce, 2005), también le permite a todo jefe dar sus puntos de vista en contra de las metas que se pretenden señalárseles, antes de comenzar el proceso, sin la presión de la discusión ni el conflicto; les permite demostrar objetivamente por que no se logro algo, por otro lado vincula a todos en la responsabilidad de lograr los resultados planeados, obligando a cada jefe a cumplir con su función vital de hacer que sus subordinados alcances sus objetivos trazados.
     “La administración por objetivos constituye el enfoque no solo de mayor actualidad en nuestras empresas sino también el de mayor eficacia en lo económico y aún en lo social, en el difícil momento en que vivimos”. (Reyes Ponce, 2005).
      En la situación económica actual y la competitividad empresarial globalizada no sirve de mucho que en una empresa exista buenas instalaciones, el mejor equipo, la mejor ubicación, si todo lo anterior no va acompañado del elemento humano necesario para dirigir las actividades, o sea que los modelos de  administración que se utilicen, en este caso administración por objetivos, serán importante para alcanzar objetivos de la organización, permitiendo elevar la productividad y darle efectividad a los esfuerzos humanos.

Jasso Arias, R. (2010, No.30). Boletin de la Ciencia UNIVDEP. Retrieved from adinistracion por objetivos: http://www.univdep.edu.mx/descargas/boletin_enero.pdf
Ramon Fernandez, M. (2011, November 20). monografias.com. Retrieved from Administracion por Objetivos: http://www.monografias.com/trabajos31/administracion-por-objetivos-apo/administracion-por-objetivos-apo.shtml
Reyes Ponce, A. (2005). Administracion por objetivos. Mexico: Limusa Noriega editores.
Trujillo Ruiz, R. (2004, March). GesioPolis.com. Retrieved from Teoria del pensamiento administrativo: http://www.gestiopolis.com/canales2/gerencia/1/apo.htm


      Communication and Leadership: The effectiveness of an organization.
      Communication is defined as a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants no only exchange information but also create and share meaning. (Webfinance, Inc., 2011).
      In business the communication is one of the most important topics of organization behavior, Narayana Rao point that the effective communication is a prerequisite for implementing organizational strategies as well as for managing day to day activities through the people. (Rao, 2011).
      Managing expectations is a key driver for effective project communications, according Michael Campbell, which emphasizes on the importance of communication in the business work, based on a study in his own company, which reflected the number one success factor identified by this study was communications, he expresed that they learned that when the communication were strong among the project team member and between the project team and the customers within the company, the projects were nearly always successful, in the other hand, if the projects faild, poor communications was always identified as a critical factor in pinpointing what went wrong. (Campbell, 2009).
      Leader and employees need to be in synch throughout tha decition making and implamentation process, understand one another, be able to exchange ideas in an open and honest way, these things can occur only through communication like John Baldoni (2003) explained us.
      A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow that direction  (McNamara, 2011), the people can be oneself, another individual, a group, and organitacion or a community.
           All leader, must be able to describe where they are going, persuade people to come along with them, connect on a personal level, and demostratte credibility; they need to disclose the option facing an organization and make tough decisions about those options;  hence the high degree in communication skill is one of the best key for leadership effectiveness. (Baldoni, 2003). View Leadership as a process, places emphasis on social interaction and relationship as Wolisnki (2010) state, who express that this is the idea that leadership is a type of relationship, which includes influence others in a certain direction. (Wolinski, 2010)      
      The communication in organizations is definitely very important at all levels of operation, it becomes a strategic tool to be fairly indirect responsibility on messages and media used by company executives to express decisions, give directions, among others. The primary purpose of communication is to inform, that is, spread the word, entertain or motivate action. Whatever its purpose, attitude, clarity and accuracy with which the leader convey the message will affect the action of the listener, whatever the channel used for this purpose.
      As Baldoni (2003) emphasizes “Communication is the glue that holds organizations together” and “the effective leadership, both persnal and corporate, is effective communications”.

Baldoni, J. (2003). Great communication secrets of great leaders. USA: McGraw Hill.
Campbell, M. (2009). Communication Skill for project managers. New York: AMACOM.
McNamara, C. (2011, November 26). managementhelp.org. Retrieved from All about leadership: http://managementhelp.org/leadership/index.htm#anchor293932
Rao, N. (2011). Knol.googel.com. Retrieved from Organizational Behavior Revision Article series: http://www.knol.google.com/k/communication-importance-and-definition
Webfinance, Inc. (2011, november 26). businessdictionary.com. Retrieved from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/communication.html
Wolinski, S. (2010, April 6). managementhelp.org. Retrieved from Leadership defined: http://managementhelp.org/blogs/leadership/2010/04/06/leadership-defined/


      Se entiende por conflicto una situación que implica un problema, una dificultad en la se  puede suscitar posteriores enfrentamientos entre dos o mas personas o partes, cuyos intereses, valores y pensamientos observan posiciones absolutamente disímiles y contrapuestas. ( Definicion ABC , 2011).
      El diccionario de negocios lo define como oposición o fricción, como resultado de diferencias reales o percibidas, o incompatibilidades. (WebFinance, Inc, 2011).
      Podemos entender entonces que el conflicto es la situación que se da entre dos o mas personas que perciben tener intereses incompatibles, según nos refiere Vásquez Ramírez (2009), que tiene su naturaleza humana, por la condición conflictiva del ser humano, pero que debe de ser visto de forma positiva como un desafío, por el cual se lograran nueva posiciones en el camino de obtener los objetivos, todo lo cual nos permitirá hacer las cosas diferentes en el futuro, asumiéndolo de forma constructiva con el resultado de una diversidad de perspectivas. (Vasquez Ramirez, 2009).
      Todo interrelación hay latente la aparición de conflicto, por lo cual no se les debe considerar ni buenos ni malos, sencillamente como una situación inevitable, a la cual intentaremos darle solución.
     Thomas y Kilmann (1974) en su análisis del conflicto elaboraron un instrumento describiendo las posibles respuestas o actitudes que desarrollamos ante un conflicto, ninguna de las conductas son buenas o malas, todo depende del momento y del conflicto en si. Ellos describieron el comportamiento del individuo a lo largo de dos dimensiones básicas, su asertividad mediante la cual la persona trata de satisfacer sus propias preocupaciones, y la cooperatividad, la medida en que esa persona trata de satisfacer las preocupaciones de la otra persona. De estas dos dimensiones desarrollaron cinco modelos de respuestas, el competitivo,el colaborativo, acomodativo, evitativo, y el compromiso. (Kilmann, 2001). Describen además que todos podemos desarrollar cual quiera de estos modelos e incluso una combinación ellos, dependiendo de su temperamento o la practica que tengan.
      La resolución de un conflicto constituye el proceso para llegar al acuerdo, vencer los obstáculos, la resolución se convierte en un proceso continuo, ya que tras un conflicto viene otro.
      Para la resolución de un conflicto tenemos dos métodos la Negociación y la Mediación donde hay presencia de ayuda externa. (ProQuaMe 2005, S.L., 2009).
      La negociación se puede definir como un proceso que le ofrece a los contendientes la oportunidad de intercambiar promesas y contraer compromisos formales, tratando de resolver las diferencias. (Colosi & Berkely, 1981). Por otra parte Correa y Navarrete (1997) describen a la negociación como el proceso de aceptar ideas, buscando el mejor resultado de tal manera que ambas parte involucradas sean beneficiadas. (Correa & Navarrete, 1997).
      La negociación no debe asumirse como una competencia, sino la via para lograr un mejor trato, o entendimiento entre las partes, para que sea efectiva se requiere de conocimientos y habilidades como, buenas relaciones interpersonales, tener conocimiento de su propio negocio o situación, así como la tecnología del negociador; es un proceso que se realiza en varias etapas según detalla Hernández Aguiar y Cedre Santos (2006), primero su planificación contemplando el diagnostico de la situación, las estrategias y tácticas que utilizaremos, segundo la negociación Cara a Cara con sus etapas, y un análisis posterior que incluye en análisis de los resultados. (Hernandez Aguiar & Cedre Santos, 2006).
      Los esfuerzos encaminados a resolver los conflictos no deben tratar de suprimir o eliminarlo, estos deben ser canalizados constructivamente a través de procesos de colaboración  y creatividad; su resolución debe permitir la creación de acuerdos duraderos y mutuamente satisfactorios por los actores afectados por el conflicto.   

   “El buen negociador debe tener la habilidad para comprender y llevar a la otra parte por el camino mas conveniente para ambos, manejando la relación interpersonal de la forma mas apropiada y adecuada”, Joaquín Monzó Sánchez.


Definicion ABC . (2011, dicember 06). definicion abc. Retrieved from http://www.definicionabc.com/social/conflicto.php
Colosi, T., & Berkely, A. E. (1981). El arte de conciliar conflictos. Mexico: Limusa.
Correa, J., & Navarrete, M. C. (1997). Tecnicas y Metodos de negociacion. mexico: Linka.
definicion abc. (n.d.).
Hernandez Aguiar, M., & Cedre Santos, Y. (2006, mayo). GestioPolis.com. Retrieved from La negociacion. Conceptos. Tipos de negociacion. Conocimientos y habilidades para negociaciones efectivas: http://www.gestiopolis.com/canales7/ger/negociacion-conceptos-conocimientos-y-herraminetas.htm
Kilmann, R. (2001, 12 06). Kilmann.com. Retrieved from Ralph Kilmann: http://www.kilmann.com/conflict.html
ProQuaMe 2005, S.L. (2009, octubre). proquame.com.es. Retrieved from resolucion de conflictos: http://www.slideshare.net/SalvadorTaule/gestin-de-conflictos-y-negociacin
Vasquez Ramirez, W. (2009). monografias.com. Retrieved from manual de medioa alternativos de resolucion de conflictos: http://www.monografias.com/trabajos36/resolucion-conflictos/resolucion-conflictos.shtml
WebFinance, Inc. (2011, dicember 06). busisnessdictionary.com. Retrieved from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/conflict.html


      Se define como  la capacidad de inspirar y guiar a individuos  a que se empeñen voluntariamente en el logro de los objetivos del grupo. (Codeman, 2008) Esta definición  contiene una palabra clave: voluntariamente, que también podría traducirse como "de buena gana". No se trata sólo de influenciar a la gente sino, de hacerlo para que voluntariamente se empeñen en los objetivos que correspondan. Por lo que se excluye del concepto de liderazgo la influencia basada en la coerción.
      John P. Kotter, en su excelente obra "The leadership factor" (1988), dice que el liderazgo se caracteriza por lo siguiente:
1-      Concebir una visión de lo que debe ser la organización
2-      Generar las estrategias necesarias para llevar a cabo la visión.
3-       Lograr un "network" cooperativo de recursos humanos (Lo cual implica un grupo de gente altamente motivado y comprometido para convertir la visión en realidad). (Kotter, 1988).
       CARACTERISTICAS  DE  UN LÍDER: (Robbins, 2007)
-          Es aquella persona capaz de inspirar y guiar a individuos o grupos para alcanzar una meta común.
-          Cabeza visible de un grupo
-          Es el modelo para todo el grupo
-          Es sencillo
-          Veraz
-          Capaz de trabajar en grupo
-          Capaz de expresar libremente sus ideas
-          Capaz de luchar por sus principios
-          Tiene buenas relaciones humanas
-          Piensa con estrategia
-          Es una persona carismática, capaz de tomar una decisión acertada
-          Tiene la capacidad de comunicar de manera positiva
-          El liderazgo es la capacidad de influir sobre los demás.
    CUALIDADES DE UN LIDER (Flores Ortegas, 2007). (Domingo, 2011).
      El carisma es una cualidad que se confunde a menudo con el requerimiento fundamental para el liderazgo. Sin embargo, se puede alcanzar un liderazgo carismático con mayor facilidad si se trabaja para desarrollar las siguientes cualidades:
  • Positivismo: Hay situaciones en las que sus empleados no están presentes en reuniones de alto nivel. Su positivismo puede y debe representar a los empleados que han puesto su confianza en usted.
  • Optimismo: Ser realista, y no fatalista para que sus  empleados y sus superiores no pierdan la confianza en usted. Las situaciones no son siempre las ideales, pero como líder se espera que encuentre el mejor modo de arreglar la situación.
  • Resultados: Un líder posee un registro de decisiones sólidas y de soluciones en las que apoyarse. Si lleva algún tiempo como gerente, intente elaborar una lista de decisiones acertadas y de logros de los que sea responsable. No sólo sirve para mostrar estos logros a los demás, sino para emplearlos en consolidar la autoconfianza en sus capacidades.
  • Visión: Un líder debe establecer unas metas que lleven a la empresa en una dirección determinada y amplitud de mira hacia el futuro.
  • Apariencias: Dar una imagen del poder en su forma de vestir, su comportamiento y todo lo que le rodee.
  • Empatía: La empatía es la identificación mental y afectiva de una persona con el estado de ánimo de otra. También se conoce como inteligencia interpersonal, al ser la capacidad cognitiva de sentir, en un contexto común, lo que un individuo diferente puede percibir
  • Conocimiento: (Conocer sus cualidades y utilizarlas, conocer los detalles del negocio para poder trabajar para la empresa.) 
  • Confianza: Estar al tanto del trabajo que están realizando los miembros del equipo, pero no hacer que se sientan con desconfianza de que esta husmeando por encima de los hombros, como vigilándolos. Integridad: Cuando un líder dice una cosa a sus empleados y luego hace otra podría ser visto como poco capacitado, o que no mantiene su palabra. Modelos de conducta: Como líder, su vida pública y privada debería ser ejemplar, predicar con el ejemplo. Cuando el  líder que espera una determinada conducta por parte de sus empleados pero que no mantiene esa misma conducta, puede sufrir una pérdida de respeto. Una plantilla que no respeta al líder sufrirá un descenso en la calidad del trabajo.
  • Decisión: Los líderes son valorados por su capacidad para tomar decisiones, sobre todo bajo presión Las mejores decisiones son aquellas que se toman con pleno conocimiento de causa.       DIFERENCIAS ENTRE UN LIDER Y UN GERENTE (Rio Reyes, 2005)
  • Líder
    -          Estratégico , ve el conjunto
    -          Visión de largo plazo
    -          Trabaja con la gente
    -          Es flexible
    -          Ambicioso
    -          Anticipa
    -          Tiene poder personal
    -          Operativo
    -          Visión de corto plazo
    -          Individualista
    -          Es inflexible
    -          Metas normales
    -          Vive de urgencias
    -          El puesto le da poder
    -      Claridad del negocio y posicionamiento                      
    -      Planeación y adaptación
    -      Desarrollo del personal
    -      Trabajo en equipo
    -      Administración de la información
    -      Establecimiento de metas y objetivos                               
    -      Fijar prioridades
    -      Negociar y manejar conflictos
    -      Motivación
    -      Retroalimentación
    -Se mantiene excelentes relaciones humanas con el grupo.
    -Se está actualizando en los temas de interés.
    -Es la cabeza y responsable frente a otros directrices
    -Se da sentido humano a la administración.
    -Se gana aprecio, gratitud y respeto de las personas.
    -La persona líder construye el ser persona.
    -Se tiene demasiadas responsabilidades.
    -Quita mucho tiempo personal.
    -Ser responsable cuando un miembro comete un error.
    -No es fácil, se tiene que mantener un aprendizaje continuo y rápido.
    -Se pierde confianza de grupo, cuando el líder tiene un fracaso en un proyecto.
    -Se está a la zozobra del ambiente externo, creando stress y preocupaciones.
    (Monografias.com S.A., 2011)

    Podemos  concluir que liderazgo y motivación son dos caras de una misma moneda, en donde la primera mira al líder y la segunda a sus seguidores.

    Codeman, E. (2008). Introduccion al liderazgo. Barcelona: Barcelona.
    Domingo, A. (30 de june de 2011). microsoft.com. Obtenido de Articulos y recursos empresariales. Cualidades de un lider en la empresa del siglo XX: http://www.microsoft.com/business/es-es/Content/Paginas/article.aspx?cbcid=264
    Flores Ortegas, N. (2007). wikitecaegcti.wetpaint.com. Obtenido de wikilearning.com: http://www.wikilearning.com/cualidades_de_un_lider-wkccp-12316-13.htm.
    Kotter, J. P. (1988). The leardership factor.
    Monografias.com S.A. (06 de 12 de 2011). monografias.com. Obtenido de Lideres y liderazgo: http://www.monografias.com/trabajos29/lideres/lideres.shtml
    Rio Reyes, A. (24 de 08 de 2005). geocites.com. Recuperado el 12 de 12 de 2011, de Liderazgo: http://www.geocities.com/amirhali/_fpclass/liderazgo.htm
    Robbins, A. (2007). Comportamiento de los lideres en la organizacion. Londres: Edicion Limitada.