Sunday, November 18, 2012


Health and safety are topics of interest to any organization, to create workplaces healthy and safe, we mean not only to physical and mental health of the employees, but also to a work environment which guarantees the company productivity and the quality of working life, providing the effectiveness of the company and raising worker morale.
In order to create a better working environment, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created by The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, in which employers and employees work together to ensure the health and safety in the workplace  (Mondy, 2012).
Keywords: health, safety, OSHA

Health and Safety in the workplace
          Health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity as defined in medieval period by Galeno; it is a dynamic condition resulting from a body’s constant adjustment and adaptation in response to stresses and changes in the environment for maintaining an inner equilibrium (WebFinance, Inc, 2012). Health must  be understood as a process, and at the same time as the result of perceptual factors of functionality, projection and unstable equilibrium in the  biological environment in the context of a particular cultural- historical society which man is born, lives and dies  (Sanchez Santos, Amaro Cano, Cruz Alvarez, & Barriuso Andino, 2001).
          On the other hand, safety is considered a state relatively free of danger, risk, or threat of harm, injury, or loss to personnel or property, whether caused deliberately or by accident  (WebFinance, Inc, 2012).
          Proper care and management of both topics, health and safety are of paramount importance for the maintenance of a healthy work environment, where managing the balance between workplace conditions and employee,  result in  productivity and prestige for the company.
          Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) created by The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 is intended to ensure work safety and health in the United States, which is dedicated to developing conditions to optimize the working environment, requiring employers to guarantee safety in the workplace, but at the same time, states that the employers have a responsibility to furnish a workplace free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm  (Mondy, 2012).
          Every year occur around 120 million occupational accidents in the world, of which at least 200,000 are fatal  (El Diario de Hoy, 2004). In developing countries occur more fatalities than in industrialized countries, which increases the need for training programs focusing on health and safety prevention, but it remains a significant problem in this latter like many diseases that are known to affect workers in different ways.
          Because of the multitude of existing risks in most workplaces and the general lack of attention that many employers provide health and safety, accidents and work-related diseases remain serious problems in all parts of the world. They can  dramatically lower the effective of company  and employee moral as explained Mondy (2012), getting to be considerable expense that can occur, as huge costs to the state through social security payments, costs for medical treatment, and the loss of the employability of the worker; also costs to employer through payments to legal fees, fines, compensatory damages, investigation time, lost production, lost good will from the workforce, from customers and from the wider community  (Ewete, 2011), and no less important  the cost to the family economy.
          Health and safety, are two important fronts for the proper functioning of the work environment, in which not only must involve governments, employers and employees, but the whole society, because their negative impact will affect directly or indirectly on  entire it.     


El Diario de Hoy. (2004). Introduccion a la Salud y seguridad Laboral. El Diario de,
Ewete, F. K. (2011, July 27). Retrieved from Importance of Occupational Safety:
Mondy, R. W. (2012). Human Resources Management. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Sanchez Santos, L., Amaro Cano, M. d., Cruz Alvarez, N. M., & Barriuso Andino, A. (2001). INtroduccion a la Medicna general Integral. La Habana: ENCIMED.
WebFinance, Inc. (2012). Retrieved from

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